I have been struggling to approach any design without a stronger theme on which to set up criteria to judge design decisions. Thinking back to our future scenarios i have decided a 'Feels like home' festival is appropriate - a response to the rising refugee population. I have spent some time looking at existing festivals in countries we are likely to get refugees or migrants from and have been trying to dissect what the important elements are - how might these be important to my festival - how might they be incorporated into the new festival.
I have been continually contemplating how this festival might mix the virtual with the real and i have an idea about the possibility of a 'sister' festival. The 'Sister' festival could be run by an aid organisation which would travel to different cities and towns - from which a large number of refugees or migrants are arriving in Brisbane from - and set up a temporary connection to the Brisbane 'feels like home' festival. The festival could provide a positive link for family units and friends separated by the migration and an opportunity for celebration. Their could be virtual 'portals' / skype like abilities on a larger scale to offer communication between the two festivals. This does pose risks of fighting for the use of technology, or create longing or tension between the communities so would have to be thought through carefully. Further into the future holographic abilities may mean that the festivals could be even further intertwined.
Other ideas i have been considering are the connections between social interaction and the use of the mall as a thoroughfare. I think the idea of a connection to the ground level through seating offers a relaxed, informal atmosphere that may also have particular memories and meanings for some cultures. The consideration of the integration of sustainable initiatives is also being considered within each design decision.

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