Thursday 1 November 2012

Design For Social Activity

These sketches show my thinking (mostly is plan view) in regards to how the design of seating within the food stall component my best facilitate the social interaction between customers and further between the chefs. I like the idea of have different levels of seating (a punch out box creating a 'window' type seat) that then gives a view through to what is happening beyond, as well as seating wrapping around the green wall in different configurations. In hindsight if i was to develop this further i would look at making the seating somewhat adjustable so it could be suited to each festival theme as it changed. 

The second image display my thinking about the form of the green wall. I felt my previous sketched design looked quite chunky and not as aesthetically pleasing. As i played with how to adapt the form i found the main issue i had was the restriction of the leaf catchments being integrated into the form of the wall. I then decided that perhaps hanging the leaves from a high tensile material would provide freedom to tweak the aesthetic look of the structure. I carried this idea through and am happy i did. I also feel the separation between the two elements gives more flexibility in maintenance and retrofitting in the future. 

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