Thursday 8 November 2012

Human Made vs Naturally Occurring Closed Loop Systems

Close to the presentation date i took a brief look at two well known examples of 'sustainable future scenario' based design by two of the most well respected architects of the last century - Le Corbusier and Frank Lloyd Wright. Whilst both concepts were aimed at improving quality of living and took a somewhat closed system approach, they both applied the ideas in a very broad brush homogeneous way. 

Le Corbusier's 'Vile Contemporaine'

 Frank Lloyd Wright's Broadacre City

The diagram above represents my thoughts on why both Le Corbusier's and Frank Lloyds Wright's utopian image fail in fundamental way. The left image shows how i believe people view closed loop systems whilst the right represents how i believe them to truly occur in nature. To successfully design closed loop systems i believe we need to layer them and intertwine them with other closed loop systems and subsequently build an entire ecosystem from these individual cases. Diversity is the key to a healthy ecosystem. 

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