Thursday, 8 November 2012

Final Presentation

I feel as though my final presentation was quite successful in demonstrating my ideas. I especially think researching presentation techniques and focusing on how i will actually convey my final ideas helped in its success. I do feel that i could continue to develop the idea substantially more and start to detail some of the built elements of the festival, however, for this assessment i think the narrative took precedence. It was this that made me decide to focus on the first person experience through perspective images rather than typical architectural drawings.

The powerpoint attached (dropbox link) has notes incorporated which became my palm cards and which are worth reading if youre interested in how i articulated all my ideas into a cohesive speech.

Human Made vs Naturally Occurring Closed Loop Systems

Close to the presentation date i took a brief look at two well known examples of 'sustainable future scenario' based design by two of the most well respected architects of the last century - Le Corbusier and Frank Lloyd Wright. Whilst both concepts were aimed at improving quality of living and took a somewhat closed system approach, they both applied the ideas in a very broad brush homogeneous way. 

Le Corbusier's 'Vile Contemporaine'

 Frank Lloyd Wright's Broadacre City

The diagram above represents my thoughts on why both Le Corbusier's and Frank Lloyds Wright's utopian image fail in fundamental way. The left image shows how i believe people view closed loop systems whilst the right represents how i believe them to truly occur in nature. To successfully design closed loop systems i believe we need to layer them and intertwine them with other closed loop systems and subsequently build an entire ecosystem from these individual cases. Diversity is the key to a healthy ecosystem. 

Masterplan Strategy

The masterplan in some ways, best shows how my thoughts have progressed from the original study of retail spaces in my future scenario to the end festival design. It shows how i see the potential development of office spaces becoming increasingly freelance and collaboratively based - this is as a result of economic situations as well as the changes in attitudes occurring towards sharing and ownership (file sharing etc). It is also largely based on the assumption that as we can not sustain an economy reliant on products created from resources that we do not have, we will switch to a much more knowledge based economy - i see the design fields and arts becoming a much more central part of this new economy.

The festival is designed to be a vehicle for experimentation of ideas related to this new economy and subsequent changing role of our city.

Development of Images

To create the atmospheric representation of my festical i used a combination of techniques. I began with a reasonably basic 3d model from which i generated sketch renders. 

 I then traced over these images and added any further detail i desired.

I then imported them into photoshop and used a combination of collaging and brush techniques.

Pecha Kucha Planning

The planning of the presentation for this design assignment is a very important component in order for the narrative to truly be understood.

I put together an initial plan with an introduction to the narrative followed largely by purely explanatory slides featuring components of the festival design.

After watching the following TED talk on the structure of great talks i tweaked the presentation to oscillate between the situtation now and how it will be with my design implemented. I believe this made it a much stronger presentation.

 Main perspective images (these are the focus of my presentation in terms of illustrating my idea):

 New Plan:

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Festival Theory

I began reading into the theory of festival architecture through the following book:

Whilst im not going to regurgitate everything i read, there were some important ideas and historical discourses which i can see are still in existence today or which i think are important to reflect upon. Even concepts which are antiquated and seemingly irrelevant to modern society (or whatever 'post modern' society our future scenario might be deemed) are important to understand in a historical sense to give richness, cultural understanding and progression to new ideas.

(Page 23) Passive, static viewing dominates much of modern society. In contrast roman spectator-ship was highly interactive. When passing through city they would read the individual elements as important components in meaningful narratives (Favro 1993). 

This statement i find interesting when applied to my future scenario as i feel the interactive spectator-ship of past societies have the ability to be reignited with the help of technological developments. Though i am by no means hoping that fighting to the death in Colosseum arenas will be brought back into play, the ability to actively participate in festival events through virtual triggers is an exciting proposal.

There was much religious symbolism to many roman festivals which is often the key theme behind the above mentioned meaningful narratives. One example, a simple concept, is the choreography of processions to 'open up' to a heightened space before ending (in order to be closer to god). This simple idea can hold meaning to multiple religions or personal ideals and still holds potential to create a meaningful narration of the festival's spatial experience.

State festivals in Venice were also important occasions for classes to meet, if only to a certain degree, and a time when social barriers were lowered and everyone could praise the city's former greatness. 

Carnival - combined history and myth, traditions and innovation, and represented an uninhibited moment that was open to all social classes in which roles were reversed and everything (almost) was allowed. 

These are both interesting due to my original intent of political statement through the creation of an area where people from different cultural backgrounds can celebrate and learn about each others culture in a positive environment. 

Finally, the link between land and water seems to be a reoccurring theme to many festivals. I believe for multiple reasons the Brisbane river should be better linked to the city and that a festival could provide the catalyst for this change. 

Friday, 2 November 2012

Victims of the City

This is an interesting TED talk which sums up a lot of the ideas and aims i have had for my festival. It is a socially focused notion of architecture privileging typologies that are currently neglected due to the assumed lack of (financial) benefit.  It encourages the city to become equitable and break down the aristocracy of the current city program.

Thursday, 1 November 2012

First Animation

One of my aims for the semester was to create my first animation. I ran out of time towards the end of semester to do all that i had hoped :) but managed to still get a simple animation out of photoshop!

Design For Social Activity

These sketches show my thinking (mostly is plan view) in regards to how the design of seating within the food stall component my best facilitate the social interaction between customers and further between the chefs. I like the idea of have different levels of seating (a punch out box creating a 'window' type seat) that then gives a view through to what is happening beyond, as well as seating wrapping around the green wall in different configurations. In hindsight if i was to develop this further i would look at making the seating somewhat adjustable so it could be suited to each festival theme as it changed. 

The second image display my thinking about the form of the green wall. I felt my previous sketched design looked quite chunky and not as aesthetically pleasing. As i played with how to adapt the form i found the main issue i had was the restriction of the leaf catchments being integrated into the form of the wall. I then decided that perhaps hanging the leaves from a high tensile material would provide freedom to tweak the aesthetic look of the structure. I carried this idea through and am happy i did. I also feel the separation between the two elements gives more flexibility in maintenance and retrofitting in the future. 

Crowding vs Spectatorship Solution

One of the issues of my future festival occurring in the centre of the CBD is the practicality of crowding. It is already quite crowded at peak times in 2012 - taking rapid population growth into account it is important to consider the conflict between worker's/daily user's practical circulation space and spaces for spectating the festival. I like the concept above as i believe it has the potential to incorporate an opportunistic spectatorship while integrating display of art/lanterns or other important festival elements.

Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Climate Refugees

Reflecting on the narrative behind my design i did further research into the current migration situation in Australia. I found this article particularly interesting and found it supported my notion that it is unlikely for many Australians to (quickly) adjust positively to the potential dramatic increase in refugees and migrants to Australia.

Sunday, 28 October 2012

First Attempt at Proper Sections

These are the first sections i've produced of the close to final design of the green-wall food stands... I like the white background best but feel it might be more difficult to express the glowing effects etc needed to convey the festival atmosphere. I am going to start playing with further Photoshop techniques and start layering the 'festival' vibe over the images before i decide which to go with.

3D Modelling

I have been attempting to learn 3ds max this semester to give me a bit more freedom in modelling as well as an ability to create simple animations (which i think will be useful for presentation this semester). I have struggled figuring out the best way in which to model my leaf form (water catchment/shade device)... Here are some images of process:

Using various modifiers within 3ds max was a bit hit and miss as to the outcome (mostly just due to my limited knowledge at this stage)

I tried drawing the lines in illustrator that i wanted for the leaf panels, then importing into 3ds max as a dwg in an attempt to get a more specific outcome.

This worked reasonably well but when imported into archicad (where i had modeled some of the more simple aspects because it is the program i am most comfortable with) it slowed down the file significantly. 

I am particularly adamant in keeping the structural form of the leaf separate to the 'skin' as i think this is more practical in terms of construction and future repairs/changes, as well as the aesthetic that comes with it.


I discovered this image while flicking through a Harvard design magazine and it reminded me of the Margaret Wertheim's coral project. I think it depicts a fascinating mixture of what is usually small scale handcraft with large scale architectural, experiential space. There is something magical about the experience that i think could be translated into a festival component. 

Sunday, 14 October 2012

Veggie wall, food stall

The basic elements to the street food stall are:
  • Vertical Vegetable Garden
  • Water Catchment
  • Vertical Access to harvest vegetables
  • Structural Supports
  • Connection point for cooking fuel (gas or solar?)
  • Connection point for the cooking surface/table
  • Shading Element 
This shows the elements that are clearly permanent and the elements which can be added, changed and adapted to the festival activities. 

After doing an initial sketch of how the components may come together i thought more carefully about the form. Looking at the existing elements of Queen St mall as well as biomimicry & aquaponic theories i   decide it should take a more sculptural form. This is also more in line with the design principles i had set for myself earlier in terms of the playfulness, magical, sensory enhancement of a festival. 

The leaf forms double as water catchment and shading, whilst the underwater ecosystem both stores water and enriches it with nutrients for the vegetables - there is a reticulation system which circulates water from the tank through the vegetable wall. I think these components have the ability to become themed with different regions ecosystems - a South East Asian green wall with fish life from the region, and vegetables specific to that region etc. Perhaps an integration of the virtual elements can incorporate requests from people for what they want planted in the next crop of vegetables. 

Monday, 8 October 2012

Social Background

There is a strong social agenda behind a festival like this. The city acts as a political space where it becomes a very public platform in promoting an accepting attitude towards multiculturalism.

Sunday, 7 October 2012


One of the key creators of festival atmosphere is food. Street food has a certain appeal that no other type of service creates. Its imperfection, rawness, diversity and immediate connection with its creators offers a richness of culture that is important in creating a strong sustainable community. I think it offers an opportunity within the festival for newcomers to the city to feel more comfortable, welcome, experience aspects of their home culture, network etc. Food has a funny ability to make even strangers connect.

So as one of the main features to design in detail will be a street food stall.

 Constantly there are other design ideas occurring and developing:

I am still struggling with criteria against which to assess my design decisions so i am continually reassessing exactly what i am trying to convey through this festival:

Saturday, 6 October 2012

Festival Theme - "Feels Like Home"

I have been struggling to approach any design without a stronger theme on which to set up criteria to judge design decisions. Thinking back to our future scenarios i have decided a 'Feels like home' festival is appropriate - a response to the rising refugee population. I have spent some time looking at existing festivals in countries we are likely to get refugees or migrants from and have been trying to dissect what the important elements are - how might these be important to my festival - how might they be incorporated into the new festival. 

I have been continually contemplating how this festival might mix the virtual with the real and i have an idea about the possibility of a 'sister' festival. The 'Sister' festival could be run by an aid organisation which would travel to different cities and towns - from which a large number of refugees or migrants are arriving in Brisbane from - and set up a temporary connection to the Brisbane 'feels like home' festival. The festival could provide a positive link for family units and friends separated by the migration and an opportunity for celebration. Their could be virtual 'portals' / skype like abilities on a larger scale to offer communication between the two festivals. This does pose risks of fighting for the use of technology, or create longing or tension between the communities so would have to be thought through carefully. Further into the future holographic abilities may mean that the festivals could be even further intertwined. 

Other ideas i have been considering are the connections between social interaction and the use of the mall as a thoroughfare. I think the idea of a connection to the ground level through seating offers a relaxed, informal atmosphere that may also have particular memories and meanings for some cultures. The consideration of the integration of sustainable initiatives is also being considered within each design decision.   

Saturday, 29 September 2012


Now that i have decided to design a new festival for Brisbane - one which celebrates experiences which cannot be achieved virtually and which strengthens a community which may be wavering - i need to establish what exactly this involves... It is not a typical architectural project... plans, sections and elevations are probably not the most typical way to depict a festival.

So what are the built/architectural elements of a festival?
Food Stall

During tutorial i discussed the idea of perhaps combining these non virtual experiences with virtual interactions... treasure hunt for fireworks trigger (through some type of system seen through glasses/smartphones)

Thursday, 27 September 2012


Alongside thinking about the main design i decided to start drawing up the existing plans/sections of Queen St overlaying the location of heritage buildings (what i believe will still be there in 2020/2030). I think regardless of what the design ends up entailing that a cross section right through the mall will be important. 

I've also started playing with representation styles - trying to communicate the festivity etc..

Saturday, 22 September 2012

Scenario Story

Its been about 15 years since the beginning of the economic crisis that changed everything. In hindsight, some of the changes that felt gradual at the time resulted in a landslide of behavioural adaptation. But let me rewind, and tell you the whole story...
It was 2012 and Campbell Newman's liberal government had just come into power. Queensland's unemployment rate shot up to 25% and those who did have jobs were under immense pressure to support their families. The momentum of sustainability initiatives came to a crashing halt as programs were axed as they were deemed elaborate and unnecessary. Developers began excessive land clearing and shotty residential developments increasing urban sprawl. Anger and frustration amongst the community built to phenomenal highs as scientific bodies heightened warnings of climate change and resource shortages. The real impacts of these issues began creeping into everyday life and coupled with the economic stress people began to look for solutions. Fresh produce in supermarkets was becoming sparse as increased demand and destructive natural disasters continually reduced farming capabilities. Retail spaces in the city were empty; 'for lease' signs littering the malls. Technology was developing in attempts to adapt to the economic climate and resource boundaries. In 2016 a new clothing initiative was released by Apple. They had honed 3D printing and nano technology to a point where they could offer an entirely new business model to all clothing retailers. The apple store expanded from offering entertainment files to clothing files, starting with 5 major clothing brands - American Apparel, Sportsgirl, Nike, Levi's & Raulph Lauren Polo. People could purchase a 'clothing assembler', an allocation of atoms, and an unlimited number of clothing items - in the form of a digital file. Their entire wardrobe could be stored digitally - only requiring the embodied energy of one item of clothing but having the opportunity to reassemble and customise it to any style they wanted. The technology took off like wildfire - and not unlike the Ipod revolution soon everyone could not imagine life without it. The economic crisis stretched well into the next decade, however behaviours did start to adapt. Businesses began to reassess the need to rent office space - with virtual/augmented reality being a viable alternative to staying connected with their business teams & customers. People were able to have an entirely 3D experience from home that could rival the customer service they would receive in a physical store. Sharing and collaboration began to change entire business models - freelancing in professions increased and major advancements were made due to new cultures forming regarding ownership of intellectual property and research. People were more open to sharing and feeding off each others ideas than ever before. Across the globe petrol prices became unsustainable for the large majority of society leading to a rapid decline in the use of cars. This left the car orientated cities of the world faced with new opportunities and challenges to solve in terms of infrastructure. The Brisbane CBD underwent dramatic change in its architectural typologies. With the steep decline of retail & office space, the city became increasingly a space for residential occupancy, local produce farming and for experiences that people were less willing to give up to the virtual realm - restaurants, physical activity, arts etc. The 'real' experience for people became increasingly profound - not unlike the almost spiritual experience people relate to live music. This is the compounding story of how the "Brisbane Festival of Experience" came to exist.

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

New Typologies?

So if clothing retail is largely redundant (or at least a totally different experience) in the CBD what would replace it?

What needs to physically experienced... or what would people be less readily accept as a virtual experience?

Would there be new typologies that emerge based on new needs of a changed culture?
  • Memory Boxes - small scale museums with a focus on the art of 'making' - hand crafts
  • Physical think/play tanks
    • Public advocacy for knowledge society/economy (based on ideas from Margaret Wertheim's coral project) 
What are the new cultures that will influence these new typologies?
  • Collaboration
    • Social Media
      • Social Production
  • Transperancy
    • Importance of values and integrity
  • Sharing
    • Giving up assets & intellectual property
    • Information and Research
  • Empowerment
    • Social Media/Tech
  • Networked Intelligence

Monday, 17 September 2012


I have been struggling to restrict my thoughts enough in order to create a real design project. When dealing with the future it is easy to continually change the scenario to make something possible.

Trying to organise my thoughts on consumerism i have noted experiences of the current consumer experience:
  • music
  • lighting
  • mirrors
  • surfaces/acoustics
  • customer service
  • fitting rooms
  • cash register
  • threshold - street/shop, shop window/display
  • online alternative
If 3D augmented reality, nano technology and resource scarcity pushes clothing retail to become almost entirely web based...

Our entire wardrobes could be supplied by a particle allocation which gets reconfigured by a nanobot determined by what information files we purchase. 

Future Materials

I have been watching a lot of TED talks on ideas of the future and find the ones on new technologies in potential architectural materials very interesting.

Metabolic architectural materials are currently being developed and have the potential to completely redefine how we think about our built environment. It seems incredibly illogical that we are still currently designing to add to an unhealthy pit of embodied energy with no effective system of decay or reuse.

On the same note i have been thinking about what i makes natural ecosystems sustainable - density and diversity. Growth (to become more dense) is only healthy if diversity occurs simultaneously (and of course it is always within the limits of natural carrying capacities).

I also found the following talk and concept particularly interesting:

I can't quite pin point what i find so fascinating about this project but i think it has something to do the integration of so many different disciplines, purposes and reward.